Scam or fraud: Style Spa Furniture — Style spa furniture pathetic service kolkata tollygunj store

Submitted by:  Sumit Guddewal

Complaint Details:
Dear Style Spa Furniture senior management,

Two months ago my close freind and relatives warned me to buy furniture from style spa as they had a painful experience with the kind of service they received. I was happy with the design and inspite of their warning i went for style spa furniture under this assumption that may be it was their rare and badluck csse that they received poor service from style spa.

But style spa has proved them correct today. Both my frends and relatives are laughing at me coz style spa has given the same pathetic result to me.

First my oder got delayed by 15 odd days sayin that my product was damaged in warehouse so it will take time. after repeated followup yestersay my delivery arrived. Today wen the fitttim guy came and opend the carton it was surprising to see that the product was incomplete from inside. The SIRHANA of the bed was missing which was the main design of the bed. On enquiring with the Store manager of Nsc bose road of Kolkata Mr Abhijit Mandal he said that the SIRHANA is damaged and so it was not delivered and it will take month end time to deliver.

My serious question is y i am being trapped in this kind of service . U have taken full payment and u deliver incomplete firnitures. This is like vomplete harrasment. I had scheduled religious function in my new home this week and this is what i will show to my realtoves and guests. I will have mo optiln to say rather than sayin ki dont ever buy anythin from style spa and the guests will itself see the proof.

Due to few peope ur brand is suffering. I am a banker on a reputed positio and i understand what customer satisfavtion and brand means. I went for your furnitute inspite of warning and see your team has done

IF u have any customer freindly nature u can call me and i will explain the pain and harassment i faced. I can provide you feedback of atlest two other customers.

I willl also take this issue to social media and twitter so that senior managrment is aware what is actually happening at ground level.

